Benefits of Living On-Campus

Utilities included in housing costs

Rather than paying individual utility bills, you can now spend that energy on other useful things. While living on-campus, all of your amenities are completely fixed and included in one bill, charged to your student account; so you never have to worry about getting your heat turned off or your roommates using too much water.

High speed internet

No need to worry about internet that drops, slows down randomly, or even worse, paying an overcharge fee for exceeding your data limit; on-campus living provides free, unlimited high-speed internet at all times. Additionally, if you ever have any problems, the Information Technology Services team is more than willing to help you remedy them in a fast and effective manner.

Laundry included in housing costs

Living on-campus you have full 24-hour access to laundry services . You don’t have to break out the coin purse either, laundry is included in your housing rates. The only thing you need to provide is detergent, softener/dryer sheets, and your dirty clothes.

Maintenance and repairs by trained Physical Plant staff

Do you have broken lights? Is your room too cold? Is your sink or shower leaky?  If you’re having any kind of maintenance issues, the Physical Plant team is there to help with any needed repairs.  There’s no cost for maintenance/ repairs due to normal wear-and-tear.

Support from live-in staff

Residence Life Coordinators, Hall Directors, Community Coordinators, and Resident Advisors are all staying on campus with you and are trained to help you with any needs or problems that you have. Noise problems, roommate disagreement, wanting to change or switch rooms, or even having trouble finding proper resources—professional staff are trained to help you through these struggles.

Accessibility to campus resources

Living on-campus comes with the added convenience of being close to various campus resources such as the Student Union Building, Student Recreation Center, Pickler Memorial Library, various dining options, and much, much more!

Feel comfortable and safe

In collaboration with the Department of Public Safety, we work to ensure your on-campus experience is safe.  These advantages include: regular security patrols, fire safety systems, and trained Residence Life staff.

Get better grades

Students who live on-campus tend to be more academically successful, often time taking more academic credits, having higher grade point averages, and higher graduation rates.