Communication Disorders Department—Facilities

Truman State University Speech and Hearing Clinic

The Truman Speech and Hearing Clinic is a teaching clinic. Student clinicians and faculty from Truman’s Communication Disorders program provide speech, language, and hearing screening, assessment and treatment services through the Clinic. The student clinicians work under the direct supervision of faculty who are fully licensed by the state of Missouri and certified by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Clinic Services 

The Truman Speech and Hearing Clinic provides speech and language evaluations, hearing screening and evaluations, and therapy for speech, language, and hearing problems. Typically, new speech and language or literacy clients are scheduled for an evaluation prior to being enrolled for therapy. Therapy is scheduled by semester (Fall, Spring, Summer) and is usually provided twice weekly in 50-minute sessions (M-W or T-Th).

Speech, language, and hearing assessments are conducted during set times each semester, by appointment only. Often the evaluation (diagnostic) schedule is filled for several weeks in advance. When a client calls to be put on the diagnostic list, they will be given more information and mailed a packet.

The clinic offers both SPEAK OUT!® and LOUD Crowd®, a two-step treatment program designed for patients with Parkinson’s disease. Currently, LOUD Crowd® meets on Monday, 3:30 p.m. Please note that LOUD Crowd® is for patients who have completed SPEAK OUT!®

Because such services are scarce in our region, the Clinic draws clients from a 100-mile radius that includes the larger community of northeast Missouri. Typically, we serve more than 1,000 people a year.  We see children and adults who have speech and/or language problems, difficulty with voice or fluency, and hearing loss.

The Clinic staff members provide speech-language and hearing screenings and wellness information at community health fairs and similar events each year. Faculty and students from the Clinic collaborate with local regular and Early Head Start programs, hospitals, and school systems throughout the region. We accept referrals from individuals, university personnel, Parents As Teachers, physicians, hospitals and local group homes. We provide speech and hearing screenings to several university groups and schools throughout the year. Students, staff, faculty and their families are also frequent clients in the clinic.

The clinic operates with a perpetual waiting list. Unfortunately, each semester people requesting services are turned away. The caseload is constrained by the number of student clinicians and faculty supervisors who are available, and the schedules of everyone involved.

The Clinic proudly serves all ages at no cost to individual clients.

  • The Clinic is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Late clinic hours are sometimes available T-TH evenings.
  • Services to the university community and public are provided year-round. The clinic is generally closed during university breaks and holidays.

Appointments are required; no walk-in services are available. To make an appointment, call (660) 785-7414.

The  Speech and Hearing Clinic is located in the Health Sciences Building on the Truman campus (north of Stokes Stadium)

Directions to Speech and Hearing Clinic>

For more info

For questions about clinical services, contact:
Melissa Passe, M.A., CCC-SLP, Clinic Director
Truman Speech and Hearing Clinic
Health Sciences Building
Truman State University
Kirksville Missouri 63501
Phone: (660) 785-7425

Connie Ikerd, Program and Clinic Secretary
Department of Communication Disorders
Health Sciences Building 2252
Phone: (660) 785-4669 (Department of Communication Disorders at Truman State University)
Phone: (660) 785-7414 (Truman Speech and Hearing Clinic)
FAX: 660-785-7424