Credit Card Convenience Fee


1. What credit cards are accepted at Truman State University for student account payments?
Truman State University accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express via PayPath. Credit card payments for student accounts can be made online only via (for authorized users) or via TruView (for students).

  Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express

2. Why is Truman State University charging a fee for the use of my credit card?
Truman State University is committed to providing students and their families a range of options for paying their educational expenses. The credit card payment method has become prohibitively expensive because of the fees charged by credit card companies to Truman State University for credit card transaction processing. This expense is paid by University tuition and housing revenues and reduces the tuition dollars available for academic programs and services for all students. Therefore, a convenience fee on credit card transactions in the amount of 2.95% of the credit card payment is charged by a third party company.

3. Why is the convenience fee 2.95%? How was that percentage established?
2.95% is the amount established by our third party credit card processor, TouchNet Information Systems, to cover the credit card transaction fees assessed by credit card companies.

4. Is there any way I can avoid paying a convenience fee?
You can avoid paying the 2.95% convenience fee by paying online with an e-check, an electronic debit to your checking or savings account. You may also mail a check to Truman State University, Business Office, McClain Hall 105, 100 E Normal, Kirksville, MO 63501-4221 or drop a check in the payment drop box located at the Cashier window in McClain Hall 105. Please always include your Truman ID number on the check.

5. Can I make a credit card payment on my student account over the telephone?
Credit card payments are not an available payment method by telephone, mail or email. This is a security measure to ensure confidentiality of your payment information.

6. Can I pay in person with a credit card on my student account?
No, credit card payments are made online only.  The convenience fee would apply for credit card payments.

7. If I make a credit card payment in error, will my convenience fee be refunded?
No. The convenience fee is not refundable, even if the payment to which it relates is cancelled, refunded, credited or charged back.

8. If I use my debit card to pay my student account charges, will I be charged a convenience fee?
Yes. If you use your debit card like a credit card to pay your student account charges, you will be charged the 2.95% convenience fee. For checking or savings account debits, please use the e-check option to avoid paying the convenience fee.

9. Will the convenience fee that I am charged be included on my student account breakdown and statement?
No. The convenience fee is a fee assessed by a third party company, TouchNet Information Systems, in addition to the payment for student accounts. The convenience fee will not appear on your student account or on your Truman State University statement. You will receive notification that the online payment was processed successfully, and it will show the amount of payment, the amount of convenience/service fee and the total payment amount.

10. How will my student account payment and convenience fee payment appear on my credit card statement?
Two separate transactions will appear on your credit card statement. One transaction for the student account payment and one transaction for the convenience fee.

11. Are other Universities charging a convenience fee for credit card transactions?
Yes. Credit card convenience fees are not unique to Truman State University. Other schools currently charge convenience fees for credit card transactions.