Truman State University Bid Procedure Guidelines
Procurement Methods
Purchases over $10,000 require a formal and advertised procurement process. The University uses four basic types of procurement processes. Other methods may be used if they are in the best interest of the University. The four basic procurement processes are:
- A Request for Quote (RFQ) is a formal request for quotes. The document will contain standard technical specifications of a specific nature to determine current market value and price is the determining factor for vendor selection.
- An Invitation for Bid (IFB) is a formal request for bids. The document will contain standard technical specifications of a specific nature and a formal bid opening date and time with which the bidder must comply in order to be considered for award. Subjective evaluation criteria may be used in an IFB.
- A Request for Proposal (RFP) is used for complex requirements that preclude the use of specific specifications or requirements. An RFP will contain functional specifications for which the vendor must respond with a sealed proposal. A formal proposal opening date and time will be specified. Subjective evaluation criteria may be used to select a contractor. Negotiations may be conducted with those vendors who submit potentially acceptable proposals.
- A Single Feasible Source is used when the goods or services are proprietary and only available from the manufacturer or a single distributor. This method may also be used to take advantage of special, limited-time discounts from a single distributor; or, based on past procurement experience, it is determined that only one distributor services the region in which the supplies are needed.
Award of Business After Bids are Sought
Business awarded to the lowest and best bidder
Business will be awarded to the lowest and best bidder based on the response to the bid specifications provided by the University and required by statute. When bids are opened, the tabulation sheets and any supporting documentation will be provided to the department by Purchasing.
An evaluation committee should be used if there are bids totaling $25,000 or more. Minorities should be represented on evaluation committees whenever possible. The role of an evaluation committee is to review the bid responses and make a recommendation as to the “best and lowest” bid. The evaluation committee must submit a bid evaluation memo to Purchasing explaining the reasons for the selection if the selected bid is not the lowest financial cost bid. If there is no evaluation committee, the bid evaluation memo should be submitted to Purchasing by the department head.
Per statute, a preference must be given to commodities manufactured, mined, produced or grown within the State of Missouri and to all firms, corporations and individuals doing business as Missouri firms, corporations or individuals when quality is equal or better and the delivered price is the same or less. Purchasing should be consulted to assist in evaluation if an out-of-state vendor is being considered over a Missouri vendor if the Missouri vendor has the lowest dollar cost.
Purchase on open market
All bids can be rejected and the purchase can be made on the open market if the exact goods and services are available on the open market at a better price than the lowest bid. Notice of such rejection will be made by Purchasing upon the recommendation of the originating department and approval by the Comptroller.
If all bids are unreasonable or unacceptable as to terms and conditions, noncompetitive or the low bid exceeds available funds and the department and the Comptroller agree that there is no advantage to rebidding, then Purchasing or a person authorized by the Comptroller may negotiate. Each responsible bidder who submitted a bid under the original solicitation must be given a reasonable opportunity to modify the bid and submit a best and final offer. The negotiated price must be lower than the lowest rejected bid of any responsible bidder under the original solicitation.
For procurements involving negotiations, the details of the bids shall not be available for review by the public until after the award of the contract.
Award Protest Procedures
An award protest must be submitted in writing to the Comptroller within 10 calendar days of the bid award. The written protest must include the following information:
Name, address and phone number of the protestor;
Signature of the protestor or the protestor’s representative;
Project title and number (if applicable);
Detailed statement describing the grounds for the protest; and
Supporting exhibits, evidence, or documents to substantiate the claim.
The Comptroller will rule on the appeal within 15 business days of the receipt of the appeal.