The History Department at Truman is dedicated to offering thorough knowledge and analysis of historical events with application to current issues. Our faculty members facilitate a rich learning environment that can be tailored to a broad range of backgrounds and professional goals. Students are pushed to excel and discover connections through interactions with professors, classmates, and peers both within and beyond the classroom.
Degrees and Programs
Multidimensional Learning Environment

Supportive Learning Community
Faculty members in the History Department encourage students to explore their interests. The professors in this close-knit community are known for their extensive work in specialty areas covering:
- Medieval History
- Latin American History
- Modern American History
- Tudor and Stuart England
- East Asian History

Students studying history at Truman can complete exciting internships—from the Missouri History Society in St. Louis to the WWI Museum in Kansas City. One of the summer fellowship opportunities for history students offers a behind-the-scenes view of the workings of a museum in Old Deerfield, Mass.

Student Projects and Research
The professors in the History Department work with their students to design projects that fit in with the student's interests and goals.

History Fellowships
One of the fellowship opportunities for history students is the summer fellowship program in Deerfield, Ma.

Study Abroad
Because the history program is so flexible, students can earn credits through study abroad programs that contribute to their course of study. Our Center for International Studies can also help students explore financial aid opportunities for study abroad.

March 25, 2024
Jason McDonald, assistant professor of history, won the Lawrence O. Christensen Award for his article “‘Watch Adair County Klan Grow’: The Second Ku Klux Klan in Kirksville, Missouri, 1923-25,” which was published in the Missouri Historical Review in October 2023. The Christensen prize is awarded to the best article on a Missouri history topic published […]

March 25, 2024
History major Elizabeth Nahach won the annual Lynn and Kristen Morrow Prize for best student paper at the recent Missouri Conference on History held in Columbia on 15 March 2024. Besides Nahach History majors Nathan Dowell, Véla Lightle, Logan Kammerer and history/anthropology major, Micaela Reiss, also represented Truman at the conference. The five students by […]